10 Tipps für Autofahrer und Reiter im Straßenverkehr

10 tips for drivers and riders on the road

Two thirds of all riders have already experienced a near-accident on the road. We have summarized 10 tips for drivers and riders on the road. Lovelstar - Together for more security!
The British magazine ANIMALS recently published a study that States that two one-third of all riders have experienced a near-accident on the road. These numbers are not only highest worrying but drivers and riders urgently need to wake up.
We riders often experience that other road users distance themselves from us disturbed, maybe even provoked feel. Very often these are people who are not related to animals and who are hardly or not at all aware of the far-reaching consequences of their actions. lovelstar finally wants to bring enlightenment on both sides and smooth the fronts.
With more understanding for our fellow human beings and other road users, we could already reduce the number of near-accidents.

5 tips for drivers who meet a horse-rider couple:

  1. Brake in time
  2. Keep enough distance
  3. Only accelerate again after overtaking
  4. Wait a moment in narrow passages
  5. Pay attention to gestures and facial expressions of the riders


5 tips for riders in traffic

  1. Stick to the StVO
  2. Use your gestures to communicate with drivers
  3. Say thank you when others respond correctly
  4. Use the Lovelstar stirrup LEDs in poor visibility and darkness
  5. Don't expect other people to be able to interpret your horse's behavior